The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) has released the COVID-19 vaccine hierarchy.
To no one’s surprise health care workers at NCDHHS put healthcare workers at the top of the list regardless of age or underlying conditions, and morticians are included in the healthcare worker category even though they don’t actually deal with health care.
The press release states, “Phase 1a: Health care workers fighting COVID-19 and long-term care staff and residents.”
But the explanation of who that includes has dentists, environmental services staff, pharmacists and pharmacy students and not just morticians but funeral home staff, not people generally thought of as being on the front line “fighting” COVID-19.
It is quite a hierarchy with phases, sub phases and sub-sub phases.
Phase 1b starts with anyone 75 years or older regardless of medical condition or where they live.
Phase 1b-Group 2 are healthcare and frontline essential workers who are 50 years of age or older. Since these people are covered in Phase 1a, it’s hard to imagine who is left in this group to make up Phase 1b-Group 2.
Phase 1b-Group 3 are frontline workers of any age. Once again they appear to be covered in Phase 1a.
Phase 2 is for adults at high risk for exposure and those who have an increased risk of severe illness.
Phase 2-Group 1 are those between the ages of 65 and 74 regardless of medical condition.
Phase 2-Group 2 are those between 16 and 64 with a medical condition that increases the risk from COVID-19.
Phase 2-Group 3 are people who are in jail or prison and others living in group home situations
Phase 2 Group 4 are essential workers.
Phase 3 are college students and high school students over 16.
And Phase 4 is everybody else which would include people under age 65 who aren’t students and don’t have an underlying medical condition.
The plan is to vaccinate people in that order with Phase 1a being first and continuing down the list to Phase 4 when all adults would be eligible.
Phase 1b-Group 3 is expected to start receiving vaccinations in early January according to the press release. There is no estimate of when any of the groups after that will be eligible to receive vaccines.
What a mess. The real confusion will start when they all look for someone to blame when X% of those who partake start having serious side effects and they realize Uncle Sam gave the manufacturers immunity from being sued decades ago.
Leave it to the bureaucrat Left to turn what should be a relatively simple plan into a quagmire.
Is anybody surprised by this? Keep the masses confused and bickering among themselves so we can get away with even more power grabs.
BTW, start watching for new, more draconian restrictions now that this new strain is out.
Agree! Radical Leftists only care about gaining more wealth, power and control over the people!
I am sure Raleigh will get it right, they are here to help.
And this is just a list, not a plan. How will people in one of the ten groups be notified to get their shots? Where do they go? Who even has the data to determine whether someone is in one group or another? What about people living temporarily in other locations? I’m half tempted to suggest we farm the vaccination process out to