It’s been a long time coming but, on Wednesday, Dec. 30, brand new Guilford County Commissioner Mary Beth Murphy will be sworn in and will officially take the place of Republican Guilford County Commissioner Alan Branson – who fought for nearly two months to hold onto the District 4 seat on the nine-member board that runs the county.
Murphy, a Democrat, won that race against Branson by a 72-vote margin in the November election. However, Branson contested some mail-in and provisional ballots.
Just before Christmas, Branson abandoned his challenge, which cleared the way for Murphy to take her seat. She’ll now be sworn into office at 11 a.m. on the morning of the eve of New Year’s Eve in the commissioners meeting room in the Old Guilford County Court House.
While the Board of Commissioners isn’t holding an official meeting to swear Murphy in, there’s a likelihood that at least five commissioners will attend the short ceremony, which is why the county sent out a legally required public notice of the swearing-in ceremony.
That announcement of the ceremony came with a notification that the public cannot attend the ceremony due to pandemic related safety concerns and the state’s Stay-At- Home Orders.
Chairman of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners Skip Alston, a Democrat, said that he was very eager to get Murphy sworn in, and he added that it would have deprived Murphy of more of her rightful time on the board if her swearing-in had been put on hold until the Board of Commissioners next meeting in January.
Three other commissioners who were victorious in the Tuesday Nov. 2 election were sworn in in at a ceremonial board meeting on Monday morning, Dec. 3.
One more Minion for Skip to bully.
As for the citizens of Guilford County, your choice, your consequences.
Can she come out to Eastern Guilford County and get her signs up???
Sure! I thought I had gotten them all up. If you will send me a message via FB or email of the location I would be happy to grab them. So sorry for any oversight!
Allen Won you cheated, A Democrat can never win honestly. Guilford county Commission is so corrupt the Lt Governor should clean house, starting by putting Skip the cheat in jail.
Good luck to you! Please remember this is not the school board, there is a finite amount of money to keep the entire county running, and the schools already receive the lion’s share of the annual budget.
Schools need lots of indoctrination money .
Threw the ” Golden Rule ” out for a new rule.
Education is lost to feel good crowd .
Good luck remember a new school house does not mean a kid will learn better. A good teacher however does . Job 1 stop the wasteful taxpayer money spending that is the Guilford county schools fail on deaf ears from the person that held district 4 seat last
How sad. Branson was great, he held the line on my house tax (but some relief would have been better), and he never engaged in the “Government In Your Face” M.O. that liberals so casually impose on us.
Skippy’s heavy handedness has already begun….. WEAR YOUR MASK – OR ELSE!
My God, these people don’t believe they serve the people; they believe they rule the people.
Another stolen election, complete fraud by the democrats, hope you enjoy kissing skips you know what on a regular basis.