The Traitors Move Among Us
Dear Editor,
The radicals, the socialists, the Marxists, the communists – in other words leftists and members of the (Nationalist Socialist) Democrat Party – have reveled their ultimate plan. They are out to completely strip away any and everything that is the identity of the United States of America.
Comrade Pelosi has said, “I’m concerned about slavery in our country.” (Personal note…we still have slavery in this country?) “I think it’s a sin.” (No argument there.) “I also am concerned about what happened to Native Americans in our country, so we have a list of grievances that are part of the early years of our country and we do not want that to be continued by glorifying any of the people who perpetrated those injustices.”
She has said she is willing to discuss the removal of statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Why do I believe this is just allowing the camel’s nose under the tent?
There are now rumblings, which we know ultimately leads to action by anti-American mobs, of replacing the national anthem. I’m sure the Pledge of Allegiance is on their evil agenda as well.
As I said before, this is attempt by anti-American mobs to strip away and destroy the very identity of our country. And based on the lack of action those who laughingly call themselves our leaders, I’m afraid they’ve made some inroads. These are actions that have taken place in second and third world countries in the past that ultimately lead to violent revolution and an overthrowing of the government and resulting in anarchy and civil war within those countries. These minions of those that consider themselves our betters, consider themselves the lords and ladies over us peasants, mindlessly go about doing their destructive work not realizing that once the “revolution” is over, they’ll be the first to go.
Here are two quotes in closing:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” – John Stuart Mill, 1867
God save America,
Alan Marshall
American History should be taught…..not erased!
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat!
God help us all.
If these anarchists are so miserable in the United States, why don’t they move? There are plenty of socialist countries around the world where they could go. I would even give them one state to start their own utopia as long as it was not no longer a part of the US. Where were these mobs when King Obama was president. This entire movement is just another attempt to defeat republicans and install a group of socialists who will ruin our country. People, don’t give in to this crowd. They are very vocal, but they do not outnumber the loyal Americans who cherish our country and its history. Historical events cannot be compared to today’s standards. Doing so is idiocy. Events of the past took place under completely different circumstances. Some were not consistent with the conditions of today. However, constantly dwelling on these events does nothing to move our country forward. Wake up America before you wake up in a Socialist hell.
With an attitude like that, I suspect you are especially open minded to anyone miserable in their own country can just come to the US of Capitalism. You know, open borders!
That’s a great idea, AB!
Wow, that’s a whole bunch of conspiracy stuffed into a letter. The ONLY traitor in this country currently in power… POSOTUS Donald J Trump. Sells out the country’s interest to any foreign power willing to help his reelection. You can also add murderer since he and his administration are directly responsible for the death of almost 125,000 Americans and climbing. Get a life sir.
“The ONLY traitor in this country currently in power… POSOTUS Donald J Trump. Sells out the country’s interest to any foreign power willing to help his reelection.”
“Tell Vladimir i’ll have more flexibility after the election” – POTUS Barack H. Obama to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in what he thought was an unmonitored conversation maybe selling out his country’s security for something?
“You can also add murderer since he and his administration are directly responsible for the death of almost 125,000 Americans and climbing.”
You mean they went out and actually killed people or like a President and his administration allowing automatic weapons, to include caliber .50 heavy weapons, to given to drug cartels who used them to actually kill people including a border patrol agent. Is that what you mean?
Love ya…mean it
One statement against 3 years of kissing his ring. I won’t even dignify him with title of POTUS, he has publicly invited foreign interference in our elections, continually receives money from foreign governments through the businesses he didn’t divest, disregards evidence of interference from our security organizations in favor of “assurances” from hostile authoritarian regimes, installed his unqualified family into high level government positions that now acts for all intents and purposes as a un-elected shadow government, and I won’t even start enumerating how many of his appointees are sitting in jail. Then there are all the promises now being made to foreign leaders for help with his re-election. (China, Turkey) As far as killing Americans go… through his total ignorance and incompetence, yes, he and his administration are directly responsible for 126,500+ DEAD Americans. These death totals could have been greatly minimized with a coordinated Federal response. Look at the numbers for ALL the Asian and European countries, a fraction of ours. But things are looking up… November is 5 months away and hopefully this 4 year nightmare will end.
Hey Lizzie,
You democrats have no room to talk about murderers or racists. Your party supports the Planned Parenthood Federation. A better name for this organization would be Planned Genocide. It was founded by an advocate of the eugenics movement named Margaret Singer. She defined the purpose in the mission statement as “the quiet and peaceful elimination of inferior races and other defectives from society. She went even further to state that blacks were “living weeds in the garden of life that needed to be eradicated.”
Last year Planned Parenthood either performed itself or indirectly sponsored over a million abortions. Of those, over 7 hundred thousand were black and 2/3’s of those were female(there’s your war on women!) I would strongly suggest that those who support Planned Parenthood change their last name to either Hitler, Stalin, or Mao.
It’s impressive how you attempt to use anti-racism to justify your pro-life beliefs.
I assume, since the constitution of our nation was intentionally written to allow for slavery, you are also opposed to that.
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Talk to me Jim when it is illegal and you can carry one.
Of course, Trump asked China to invent the Covid 19 virus and infect the world. Comments such as this illustrates my points so well.
No Sir, his total incompetence and ignorance is what killed 126,500+ Americans. Why is no other country facing this kind of death toll? They don’t have Trump for a leader.
Do you bet Pelosi didn’t approve of Native American images on US currency?